I don't know what I think about now. Okay la, because of super obviously boring right now. I'll type about love. (Jiwang sikit malam ni). As you guys know I'm engaged with someone, who?. Secret ! (Poyo je tunang). Okay, buat apa nak heboh-heboh sesuatu yang belum tentu jadi hak milik kita yang sah kan?. Sampai masa nanti insyaAllah I'll share with you guys. Ni konon2 mat salleh punya stail la ni bagi ayat2 romantik bagai. As Muslim yang beriman macam kurang sesuai je kan nak cakap macam ni. Because we have Allah to make a du'a for people who you love. Berdoalah seperti :
"Ya Allah, aku suka akan dia, jika dia adalah jodohku, maka dekatkanlah dia untukku, jika bukan maka berikanlah yang lebih baik dari itu." Depends oranglah nak berdoa macam mana, kerana janji Allah itu kan pasti.InsyaAllah yang terbaik untuk anda semua. Kita hanya mampu merancang, Allah yang menentukan. Okay lets start my quotes about love. Actualy, just now I think about it. Pernah terfikir nak bagi quotes romantik2 ni dekat DIA. Tapi malu la. Haha, okay kita ni pemalu sebenarnya ada masanya muka tak malu.
Dear M,
Listen hear, this is truthly deeply purely from my heart!. Firstly!. I can't stare at you while we skype must everything you do, you make me want to smile + laugh. Haha, I'm sorry for that because I'll off my webcam for awhile and it start make you mad at me. Then we argue and fighting, you know exactly what to do when I start mad. So that I can't stay mad at you for too longgg and I hate how much I love you dear :DD.
There are two times I want to be with you, NOW and FOREVER. From the day you walk into my life, there's a lot of things change me. I love you, you annoyed me more than I though possible. But, I want to spend irritating with you. Your bad temper make me be more patiently to through other people like you. Thank you!
You keep beb-ling to me "Apa nak jadi anak dara ni! Pemalas! Tak reti masak! Bla bla bla..." Haha okay I admit that. Thank you for non-stop keep remind me to be better person, change me to be a good anak dara. I'll try for myself and family ! Keep support me okay?! The best quotes ever you gave me that I'll not forget is..
"Anak dara apa bangun lambat2 cmni?tak kisah la bangun kjap pastu tido balik kalau perrangai cmni..trus2 cmni..igt bole ubh??sapa yg nak isteri prangai cmni??bila alasan.. igt ni!! Klau trus perangai mcm ni...lupakan jela niat kawin tu.."See, how much you love me untill you gave this text to me, but, a bit dissapointed and unnerved when I read this, that is exactly I copy from my phone he gave to me. I was think positively for the first time I read this, that shows me you love me thats why you said that right?. But when I read for many time, a bit sad and...... Okay forget about it. Love you ! Next!
I like the way you talk about our future, like you had the clue. You told me that I'll be your girl, I hope so actually. We keep all our promises and hope it will comes true. Sometimes when I miss you, I see every picture you gave me and I was laugh a bit alone, because you look so cute ! Lol.Your smile is like the sunshine and it brightens up my day.
I'm begging you to make du'a for us, may Allah guide us in right way. Okay?. I know this long distance relationship will killing us! But I believe in fate if we were meant together, insyaAllah I'm YOURS and your MINE in halal way. If otherwise, I'm begging you don't sad too much. Don't waste your tears for nothing. Its mean you'll get better person in your life than me.I'll redha for it insyaAllah. :) -THE END-
Okay, dramatik tak?. Tak? okay I don't mind. Just share what I want to share. If there is grammar error terima je lah ye, nak tegur pun boleh. Manusia kan? Tak lari daripada kesilapan. From mistake we learn. Okay, need to type-off ! Graciaassss !.
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